An online advertising agency can take you far up the search engine rankings, avoiding having to learn the process of search engine optimisation (SEO) yourself! But many companies need to know at least the basics before they sign up for something, after all, you wouldn’t pay for something you know nothing about. So here is a little insight into just what SEO entails.

The Components of SEO

SEO is a range of techniques which help you rank high on search engines, such as Google and Yahoo!. Google have a way of tracking sites with their bots, which crawl sites for information. The information gathered by these bots determines how high you rank under select keywords used on your site. It’s a process which works, and it rewards high quality websites and high quality content rather than sites that just spam keywords and links left and right.

The right keywords keep your site relevant to Google. If you sell tractors, there is no point trying to rank high for cars, a technique some of the more dubious SEO companies try to get ranks high on the vehicle front. Also pages need to use keywords in sentences which make sense to human minds, so you can’t just throw the word in and call it a day.

Google also tracks links, and these too can’t be carelessly thrown about. A link has to be logical and have a purpose for being there.If you’re searching for printers, you don’t want to be linking to boilers, there is no rhythm and reason to it all. But again, they have to be integrated with quality content to match. SEO sounds simple in concept, but in practice it is anything but.

Content is also a key component, and this is necessary on the site and offsite. Guest blogs and press releases which relate to your company can bring in outside links, but they have to be well written, and meaningful. An outside source is required so Google are aware that people are finding your site outside of the site, and this shows how relevant you are for the required keywords. Which results in a higher rank.

Again, it isn’t a simple procedure, and there are many other rules to follow, which are detailed in Google’s algorithm reports. A recent inclusion is to ensure your site is responsive and mobile friendly to receive a decent ranking, and while this is a common sense practice, there are surprisingly few websites which adhere to the rules. And you don’t have to be one of them, which is when it’s time to contact an online advertising agency.

RS Digital

At RS Digital, SEO is our bread and butter, and we can make it work for your company, be you small or large. We only use organic techniques, and we can provide extra services such as pay per click (PPC) and social media to really drive home your online presence. If you’re not sure just what to go for in getting your site up to pace with the competition, visit our main site today for more information, and call one of our friendly experts for a free SEO review. Say goodbye to a lack of presence, we’re here to help your rise!


RS Digital
Senior Researcher