Later this year Google will be introducing a whole new way of ranking passages of content for English languages.  Some argue however that it is more of an indexing update than a ‘ranking’ one/

Amongst the heavy rollout of new changes to search recently announced by Google,  I wanted to take a closer look at the new announcement “passage-based indexing”

Passage-based indexing updates.

Google says “Because the single sentence that answers your question to a very specific search may be inhumed deep in a web page. We’ve recently made a total advancement in how we rank websites and can now not only index web pages, but specific individual passages from the content.”

It will affect 7% of search queries across all languages when rolled out globally, says Google.

In the video, Google said this at the 18:05 mark. “We’ve recently made another breakthrough, and are now able to not just index webpages, but individual passages from those pages. This helps us find that needle in a haystack because now the whole of that one passage is relevant. So, for example,

For example, let’s say you put in a niche search ‘Can I tell if the glass in my UPVC windows are UV glass”. What happens is that the SERPS lots of UPVC related  sites but nothing advice about special film, but nothing that really answers the question. The update in Googles algorithm can identify this EXACT snippet that answers the question for example on a double-glazing forum.

We all key in specific searches sometimes, and with the new passage will result in an improvement of 7% of search queries across all languages.

It is important to note that Google is continuing to. index full pages however Google’s algorithm] will additionally be looking at l the content and meaning of passages when determining what is most relevant compared to the current indexing rules where  they looked at the page as a whole.

For more information on Googles indexing, Please contact our team of experts.