Are you currently perplexed by the little blue bars that have recently invaded your Twitter timeline? Are you unsure what they are and where they have come from? These are part of a recent Twitter update. When unfamiliar with them they may look a little confusing but they are in fact incredibly useful, allowing people to keep track of conversations in which they have with their followers.

When participating in a conversation on Twitter that involves yourself plus two or more people that you follow, all of the tweets will now group together on your timeline. These tweets will appear in chronological order, according to the conversations last tweet. Whether a conversation started an hour ago, or even a day ago every time a new tweet is added the whole conversation will appear at the top of your timeline. (This is great for a person who would like to recap on who has said what previously.) Social media marketing also has a lot of potential with tracking specific promotional tweets/conversations.

Where do these tweets show up?

Twitter now shows three tweets from each conversation: the first tweet and the final two, these are all connected by a thin, blue line. If the conversation in which you are involved in is built up of more than these three tweets you can simply click on the first message to check out the additional tweets. These tweets are arranged in chronological order from the latest reply.