If you are looking to improve your overall online marketing efficiency, ensuring that your SEO and PPC campaigns are fully integrated can be one way of achieving maximum results.  Here we have put together a few great tips on how businesses can use both these channels alongside one another to develop the best SEM strategy possible:

Keyword Research

By looking into your AdWords  search query reports you will be able to see exactly what terms people are using to search when looking for your products/services and then implement these in your natural search strategy.

Landing Pages

AdWords will enable you to quickly identify any poor quality landing pages, allowing you to improve both paid and natural search performance by commissioning new content etc. Also, if you create landing pages specifically for paid search, be sure to deindex them to avoid harming your organic performance.

Copy Testing

Do not limit copy testing to solely PPC. Meta description optimisation tests should be an integral part of any optimisation program.

Competitor Analysis

Auction Insight reports in AdWords can be used to identify any competitors that do not have an organic presence. This can be incredibly useful information as a lot of brands that are spending money on paid search will also be creating organic marketing strategies.


You need to track organic traffic and paid traffic separately. To do this you have to ensure your AdWords is linked to your Google Analytics, otherwise paid search data will be classed as organic.

We can help you!

We hope that these tips have been helpful and given you some ideas on how to improve and run your campaigns. However, if you would like our assistance or any additional advice regarding paid or organic search, don’t hesitate to give us a call on – 01282 452096 today.