Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) continues to be the deciding factor on if a site will sink or float on Google’s search engine pages in 2015, and many find little success when they take on SEO themselves. Choosing to outsource with a successful SEO company is the way to go, and for those still clinging to the mentality that anyone can raise their online presence, these reasons should explain just why outsourcing will lead the way to success without any stumbling blocks on the way.

The Ever Changing SEO

SEO isn’t static, its rules are always twisting and changing as Google changes the rulebook on a regular basis. In fact Google state that they change the algorithm over five hundred times a year! For a business it can be a challenge to keep up with the changes of the industry they work within, never mind having to take time out to adapt to SEO changes too. Hiring someone in to take care of SEO can come with its own problems too, regarding how experienced they are already and if they can take on the huge workload themselves. To outsource means to obtain a fully experienced team who are aware of the daily changes made, without having to make changes within the business internally.

High Quality Content

One of the key aspects of good SEO, is good quality content, which works to provide links outside of the main website. It takes time to write quality content though, and Google have bots in place which can determine how well written a piece of writing is. Keyword overuse is a no go, and poor grammar and punctuation will be picked up instantly. Everyone can write, but not everyone can write well. And at RS Digital, we have a team who specialise in the art of content and how to make it work with the SEO used on a clients website.

The Risks of DIY SEO

Doing your own SEO is all well and good if you know exactly what you’re doing. But even the slightest doubt can set you astray. Overuse of key words or poor web design can destroy a websites hopes of rising up the Google rankings, and not being one hundred per cent sure can do more harm than good.

Many DIY attempts enter into the realm of black hat SEO, dodgy techniques used to quickly raise a websites ranking, but when Google pick up on the spamming of key words and links, they’ll hit hard and drag the site in the dark abyss of its ranking pages. Sometimes it’s best to call the plumber, rather than attempt to fix it yourself.

Outsourcing with RS Digital 

Choosing to outsource can be difficult, as it means putting the faith of your website and brand into another company’s hands, but it should be seen as bringing in a partner to help enhance your online presence in a way only they know how. At RS Digital we offer a number of SEO services including web design, social media, and pay per click (PPC) management. We get results organically, and keep in close contact as we treat each partnership with equal importance. To outsource is to find success.

For a more in-depth look at the SEO services we offer, visit our main website today, and contact one of the experienced and friendly members of the team to start your journey up the Google rankings.


RS Digital
Senior Researcher