The internet is very popular with younger people and this makes it a great place for advertising. Young people spend their time on social networking websites such as Facebook and Twitter and these social networks can be a great networking and advertising tool.

If you a young person likes your business Facebook page and then tags you in a post it means that you are getting free marketing to usually a couple of hundred people, and many of these people will also be interested in what you offer. A Facebook page can be great for promoting products, when a page is liked anything that is posted by the page is shown on the liker’s newsfeed, it also allows people to interact with the company directly. People may post on the wall of the page to ask a question about opening hours, or about a product and it allows people to connect with you when they are available and during office hours you can reply quickly.

Twitter is another great social network because it allows for easy interaction with customers, people will choose to follow your profile and when they do something everything that you tweet unless directly to another user will be displayed on their timeline. If you mention a new product people will see it, it allows for easy promotion and quick interaction answering any questions, or even just retweeting something a tweet that mentions one of your products.

Social networks are not only great for promotion and interacting with customers they are also a great tool for link building, if you post a status or tweet about a product then try to include a link back to your website so that you can help to enhance your SEO.