Digital marketing is essential to every business, and with social media playing a huge part in the majority of our lives it is now more important than ever to take advantage of the platforms provided. If you want to grow your audience, then we strongly advise you to market on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn. In order to market on these platforms successfully you should be doing the following things:


Before you start marketing on social media it is important to learn how it works, without doing this you will struggle and often get nowhere. With social media there are numerous things to learn, for example what platform is best for what industry, how to run a successful campaign, what content works the best, and how each platforms algorithms works.

Note: there are plenty of information on our blogs which can help you, or you could talk to our social experts on 01282 452096.


In order to gain and not lose followers it is important to have varied content, which means you should not be just posting promotional offers all the time, because this bores people and can also be seen as ‘spam’. A recent study has shown that visual posts gets the most engagement, these posts are either pictures or videos (live steams are more successful than pre-recorded ones). It is important to use visuals as your audience are more likely to re-share the content, which will further reach more people.


To grow your audience on social media it is incredibly important to listen to and know your audience. What we mean by listen, is that you should be using your social platforms as an extension of your customer service, this doesn’t just show that you care about your customers but also shows other potential customers that your company is professional and human.

When it comes to knowing your audience, we always advise companies to post quality content which will interest their audience, by doing this you have a higher chance of your posts getting engagement and being re-shared.


On the majority of social platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, you’re able to access insights. These insights will show you what posts have been the most successful, what age group and gender are engaging with your posts the most and more. To ensure that you’re using the social platforms to their full potential we strongly advise people to check their social insights on a regular basis to see what is doing well and what isn’t.


Natalie Dinsdale