It’s now possible to make payments on Twitter, thanks to Barclays, the first bank to take a step into social media with a payment service. This is the first step to making Twitter the first place users can go to spend money, without even having to visit another website!

Ping it

Set to launch in March for both iOS and Android devices, payments can be made to Twitter users which are using the Pingit app, and is available for both individuals and businesses, which means the potential for anyone to set up shop is there.  And being part of Pingit is just a simple case of signing up and a simple link between Pingit and Twitter allows you to start spending on the social network.

You don’t even need to be a Barclays customer, so anyone can make use of this new upcoming feature. With 13.5 million UK Twitter users, that’s a lot of potential money being exchanged.

The director of Barclays mobile banking and Pingit, Darren Foulds, said, ‘We are always on the lookout for new and exciting ways to make people’s lives easier and customer feedback plays a big part in how we chose to further develop our apps. Adding the ability to pay people or small business using just a Twitter handle brings together a social and digital experience to create a new step forward for mobile payments in the UK.’

The Future of Payments on Social Media 

Barclays foray into Facebook opens up new avenues for businesses on Twitter, and it makes it even more important to have a social media account in place for your business than before. Millions are drawn to social networks such as Twitter and Facebook, and the new payment features mean extra business can take place too.

At RS Digital we have an experienced social media team in place, and we can create Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Linkedin profiles for your company, and keep them up to date with the latest information and offers to engage with the key audience.

To view our full range of SEO and social media services, visit our main website page today, and contact a member of the team for a free SEO review!

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