When discussing pay-per-click, otherwise known as PPC, you have probably heard people talking about keyword search volume; however it is probable that other terms such as cost-per-click (CPC) and click-through-rate (CTR) have been mentioned even more. However in the majority of cases keyword search volume is of equal importance and it is of even more importance when it comes to SEO. Today we are going to explore exactly what keyword search volume means, and go through why it is a vital aspect for marketing…

First of all we will talk about what keyword search volume means, as no doubt there will be readers who have already been left confused.  The term keyword search volume refers to the number of searches a specific keyword receives in a particular timeframe. When looking for the volume for a keyword, the results provided are typically averaged over a period of time in order to provide marketers with a better idea of the terms competiveness and volume. It is important to remember that some search terms are more seasonal than others, for example while the term “birthday cards” will be searched all year round, the term “Christmas cards” will be a lot more popular in the run up to the Christmas period.

But why is keyword search volume importance? The search engines probably provide the ultimate method for sites to attract new traffic and custom, therefore it is important that they are utilised as efficiently and effectively as possible – with companies choosing the most appropriate and rewarding keywords. When choosing keywords to target, marketers must ensure that they choose ones that have real search volume; there is absolutely no point in targeting keywords that no one’s searching for. You should always be clever though, for example if you are small company choosing only keywords with the highest search terms could be detrimental as it will be hard to compete with the big players.

There are a number of tools available to check keyword search volume, including but not limited to the Google Keyword Planner. With keyword search volume allowing for people to find the very best keywords, if you are unsure of how to find the search volumes for search terms using the online tools available, or are for any reason in doubt – you should leave this step to the professionals, for example, if you are currently looking to put together the best possible keyword list for your company, we advise that you call the Ranking Solution’s team today who will be able to discuss your business needs and targets with you, and compile a more beneficial list than you could have ever imagined – getting you marketing off to the best start.

Keyword search volume, and how it can be utilised varies from business to business, however we hope that this post has given those with no knowledge regarding the term a bit of an insight – and urge anyone with any marketing questions to call our friendly team today on 01282 452096 today, who will be delighted to further advise.