When using PPC as a marketing method the ultimate aim is to grab searchers attention – providing them with the information that they need and thus enticing them to click on your ad.

Whether using the ever popular Google AdWords platform, or other PPC options such as Bing Ads, this process all starts with optimised ad copy that taps into basic human psychology. Writing effective and compelling ad text can give you a huge edge over your competitors and therefore this is something that you must focus on. If you don’t know how this can be achieved do not worry, today we are going to be providing four psychological tips which will allow you to increase conversions and revenue.

Here’s How to Do It

  1. Focus on your value proposition. The people searching for keywords which trigger your adverts (providing you have the most suitable keywords in place) can most likely benefit from what you have to offer. You need to tell searchers why your service or product is the best solution for their needs and exactly how it will help them. One good tip is to use the word “you” in your ad copy where possible, this word assists in establishing a connection between you and those looking at your adverts.
  2. Use urgency and limited availability. Using urgency and limited availability can be one of the greatest motivators for searchers to take action; this is because they fear missing out on something that they won’t have the chance to get in the future. Urgency how to buy effexor online shows that your company is active and that your current services/products aren’t going to be available forever. There are two styles of urgency that you can include in your ads, real and implied. When using real urgency you could use PPC copy such as “24-hour special” or “This weekend only” and when using implied urgency popular copy options include terms including “Now” or “Today.”
  3. Outline special offer and ratings/reviews. Special offers can include but are by no means limited to “100% satisfaction”, “Money-back guarantee” and “Free shipping”. You should use these to show searchers that you’re a reputable company and also include social proof where possible, showing reviews and ratings from people that have used your company in the past.
  4. Don’t forget compelling CTAs. Your PPC ad copy must include a strong and clear CTA in order for your ads to obtain good click-through and conversion rates. Here are just a few examples of CTAs which you could consider using: “Buy now”, “Download today”, “Plan your vacation”, “Redeem coupon”, “Sign up” and “Register now.”

We Can Help You

Here at RS Digital we are home to a specialist and expert PPC team who are able to create and manage campaigns for companies of all sizes, within all industries. Whether you’re simply looking for advice or would like a FREE PPC audit and campaign review, we’re here to help you. Call the RS Digital office on 01282 452096 for further information.