[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Trends typically drive industries, and numerous changes have since been made on website trends. Trends generally evolve out of the requirements of the customers. Web designers like RS Digital Marketing use a lot of time trying to comprehend what the audience wants and the way of incorporating those features in their designs.

Every website we design at RS Digital Marketing is fully responsive and SEO friendly.

Here are 6 Web Design Trends for 2020

Oversized typography

While minimalism appears to be a continuing trend in every industry, web designers such as Web Design Lancashire, try to find new ways of attracting the attention of the audience. Big words or big letters appear to be the answer since the majority of the people are likely to memorize something which was written in oversized or bold text. Big, thick letters which still maintain a clear style will definitely make your website to be notable from the multitude and be much more appealing to visitors.

Animated backgrounds

If you would like to bring to life a website and still maintain the simplicity of the aesthetic, the easiest method to doing this is to take part in with the background. The plain, monochromatic backgrounds are something of the past. It is now about moving visuals.

Adaptive designs

An adaptive design is a trend that has and will be there for a while. These days, many people use their mobile phones more than their computers. Thus it is simply expected for websites to become accustomed to this too. When designing a website, you require having all types of users in mind.

Dynamic content

User experience is the whole thing; thus, to appeal to a bigger audience, the web designers have begun to include dynamic content into their projects. This means that based on various criteria, like location or cookies, the website will modify to go well with the needs of every visitor. As a result, two people can enter a similar website and end up seeing diverse front pages.

Hidden navigation bar

The navigation bar usually consumes big space. To save the space or to minimally make the general feature of the website a bit clear, you can opt to conceal yours at the back of a simple icon. Thus, you need not worry on the way to incorporate the navigation bar in the general feature of the website.

Minimalism with bold colours

Minimalism doesn’t mean just black and white since you can have an easy design and make use of bold colours too. Deep and bright colours are bold, and they work wonders and especially in grabbing attention.

When it comes to web design in 2020, minimalism appears to be the leading trend. You may play with a variety of elements, like background, fonts, the navigation bar, to include minimalism in your design.

Increase your online visibility with Our Local SEO services

Helping businesses modernize and speed up their websites alongside Magento 2 migration and WordPress custom designs are just a few of RS Digital Marketing’s specialties. If you want a bespoke mobile friendly website or a custom ecommerce system creating, contact out our friendly team on info@rsdigital.co.uk[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]